18:07 03/07/2022

To fully prepare the necessary conditions and resources and establish a coordination mechanism for relevant ministries, sectors, and localities in the process of Vietnam's negotiation and participation in the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution, The General Administration of Seas and Islands of Vietnam has completed the Draft Implementation Plan of Decision No. 1407/QD-TTg approving the Project of Vietnam’s active preparation and participation in the development of the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution (in short: Project) submitted to the Minister for approval.


Vietnam started the Program to reduce ocean plastic waste quite early (illustration image)

Build negotiation preparation capacity

Accordingly, this Plan aims to concretize tasks and solutions to meet the goals stated in the Prime Minister's Decision No. 1407/QD-TTg dated August 16, 2021, on the approval of the Project chaired by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; well performs its functions, tasks, and powers as an agency responsible for assisting the Prime Minister in organizing the implementation of the Action Plan; guide, monitor, inspect and urge the implementation of the Action Plan to ensure quality, efficiency, and on schedule.

The formulation and implementation of the Plan must be consistent with the functions, tasks, and conditions of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and its attached agencies and units in each period; uphold the roles and responsibilities of the heads of agencies and units; periodically review, summarize and evaluate to solve difficulties and obstacles, overcome limitations and weaknesses, and propose measures for implementation, ensuring the achievement of the objectives of the Plan.

For the negotiation process to be most effective, the Plan that sets out the solution needs to develop and implement a training program and train staff on international law, negotiation skills, processes, and procedures when participating in the negotiation of the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution. At the same time, research, analyze, and evaluate the advantages and challenges when Vietnam participates in the negotiation of the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution.

In the process of participating in negotiations, Vietnam also needs a team to analyze and develop negotiation scenarios and plans of Vietnam when participating in the negotiation process of the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution.

To improve negotiation capacity, the Plan also states that collecting information and establishing a database is necessary. At the same time, review, synthesize and evaluate international agreements related to plastic waste that Vietnam has joined; Review, research, and evaluate domestic legal regulations related to plastic management, focusing on ocean plastic waste; Collect information from basic investigation and investigation and survey on plastic waste from tasks and projects according to Decision No. 1746/QD-TTg dated December 4, 2019, of the Prime Minister on the promulgation of the National Action Plan on ocean plastic waste management to 2030; Investigate, evaluate and develop a national report on ocean plastic waste; Decision No. 1316/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister dated July 22, 2021, approving the Scheme to strengthen the management of plastic waste in Vietnam, research results from other projects and tasks of the ministries, branches, localities and international organizations, domestic organizations and individuals; assess, analyze and develop a national report on ocean plastic waste; Carry out the process of synthesizing, analyzing and evaluating information and data at international forums; synthesize programs, projects, regional and global initiatives related to ocean plastic waste and propose negotiating orientations for Vietnam.

Resources for the preparation of negotiation are also extremely important, therefore, the proposed Plan is necessary to develop a scheme to mobilize the support of international organizations and domestic organizations and individuals to prepare and participate in the negotiation of the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution. Along with that, it is necessary to develop a financial plan to ensure adequate financial resources for information and data collection activities to serve the development of the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution.


  Reducing plastic waste is an urgent issue (illustration image)

Set up a coordination mechanism

The implementation plan of Decision No. 1407/QD-TTg approving the Project developed by the General Administration of Seas and Islands of Vietnam also mentions that must establish a Negotiating Group for the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution; develop and adopt the Working Regulation of the Negotiating Group for the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution.

At the same time, build a network of relevant parties in the country (relevant ministries, sectors, localities, organizations, and individuals) and a coordination mechanism among relevant parties to facilitate the exchange and provision of information, etc. during the negotiation of the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution.

To achieve the desired results, the Plan also proposes to have a mobilization plan with domestic and international support with tasks such as: Developing plans to send staff involved in negotiations to participate in training courses on negotiation skills and international law organized or supported by international organizations; Building and perfecting the domestic plastic waste data information system; connecting and sharing ocean plastic waste data with regional countries and around the world; Building and organizing a partnership network between government, private sector, plastic, and plastic waste related organizations to effectively support negotiation preparation.

The Draft Implementation Plan also proposes to integrate propaganda and dissemination on the necessity, advantages, and disadvantages of the orientation of the content of the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution in propaganda and dissemination programs in tasks and projects according to Decision No. 1746/QD-TTg dated December 4, 2019, of the Prime Minister on the promulgation of the National Action Plan on ocean plastic waste management until 2030; Investigate, evaluate, and develop a national report on ocean plastic waste; Decision No. 1316/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister dated July 22, 2021, approving the Scheme to strengthen the management of plastic waste in Vietnam and from other projects and tasks related to plastic waste.

In addition, it will develop a plan for bilateral and multilateral cooperation to enlist the support of other countries and international organizations with the views and contents of Vietnam expected to join the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution. Develop a plan to host international forums, conferences, and seminars on ocean plastic pollution, which affirms Vietnam's responsibility and efforts in tackling global plastic pollution.

Minh Thu

Kế hoạch thực hiện Việt Nam chủ động chuẩn bị và tham gia xây dựng Thỏa thuận toàn cầu về ô nhiễm nhựa đại dương (baotainguyenmoitruong.vn)

Join hands for an ocean without plastic waste