Plastic pollution is one of the biggest threats to the marine and ocean environment worldwide, including in Vietnam.

Tears of the sea

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report on the state of ocean plastic waste, plastic waste has now appeared in both the most remote and primitive regions of the earth, such as the Arctic ice, and in fish that inhabit the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench. This report is compiled from more than 2,000 separate studies on the negative effects of plastic waste on the oceans, biodiversity, and marine ecology.

According to this report, every year, between 19 and 23 million tons of plastic waste is dumped into the sea, most of which are single-use plastic products. This trash accounts for 60% of ocean pollution.

Studies show that plastic waste in the ocean originates from land, and is swept along with runoff from urban areas, due to overflowing sewers, littering, waste from industrial and construction activities, etc. 

Plastic pollution in the ocean also originates from the fishing industry, maritime activities, and aquaculture. Under the action of ultraviolet radiation, wind, currents, and other natural factors, plastic decomposes into small particles called microplastics or nano plastics. Their small size makes them easily to be accidentally ingested by sea creatures.

Ocean plastic pollution has impacted marine life such as sea turtles, whales, seabirds, fish, coral reefs, and countless other marine species and habitats.

Scientists estimate that more than half of the world's sea turtles and nearly every seabird on Earth have eaten plastic in their lifetime. Plastic pollution also affects the landscape of beautiful beaches around the world, even in remote areas like Midway Atoll.

The WWF report says that 88% of the marine species it studies are affected by very severe plastic pollution. At least 2,144 species must live in an environment of plastic pollution. The report also predicts that plastic production will double by 2040, quadrupling the amount of plastic waste in the ocean. Every year, about 14 million tons of plastic waste end up in the ocean.

One of the reasons plastic pollution remains such a problem is that plastic waste is broken down into smaller plastic particles called microplastics, which have been identified as a source of environmental pollution.

In Vietnam, with more than 3,260 km of coastline (not including the shores of islands) stretching in the north-south direction, there is an average of 1 km of coastline for every 100 km2 of land. Along the coast, there are 114 estuaries, an average of 20 km with one estuary and more than 50 bays and lagoons. This is a favorable condition for development, but there is always a potential for waste pollution.

Ô nhiễm rác thải nhựa đại dương: Nước mắt của biển và hành động của chúng ta - Bài 1: Khi đại dương lên tiếng

Plastic waste in the coastal area of ​​Hai Hau - Nam Dinh

According to a report by the World Bank, an estimated 3.1 million tons of plastic waste is discharged on land annually in Vietnam. At least 10% of this unmanaged waste leaks into waterways.

This makes Vietnam one of the top five ocean plastic polluters in the world. This organization has suggested that Vietnam must tackle plastic pollution through policy tools and fiscal mechanisms.

Global solutions are required

At the International Conference on Sustainable Ocean Economy and Climate Change Adaptation, taking place in May 2022, Deputy Director General of the General Department of Seas and Islands of Vietnam Pham Thu Hang, affirmed: “Plastic pollution, especially ocean plastic pollution, has become an urgent problem at the national, regional and global scale. Reducing plastic waste has become imperative right now.”

However, it is worth mentioning that this is an international issue, so an international approach is required. Meanwhile, the efforts of countries and regions in recent years have not been enough to reduce the amount of plastic waste released into the environment.

This is because international tools to tackle plastic waste include insufficient coverage of the main sources of plastic pollution, exemptions, and lack of enforcement standards… This leaves limitations for each country because of different legal systems, circumstances, and environmental capacities.

There is also ineffective cooperation and inadequate participation of countries in regional and international initiatives. This will leave gaps in global and regional efforts to tackle ocean plastic pollution and the fact that ocean plastic pollution is a transboundary problem. Not to mention the lack of a general reporting, monitoring, and evaluation mechanism for plastic pollution…

Therefore, a global joint agreement to solve these problems has been proposed by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Together with many countries in the world, Vietnam has now completed the Draft Implementation Plan of Decision No. 1407/QD-TTg approving the project Vietnam actively prepares and participates in the development of the Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution.

At the same time, Vietnam has also been increasingly perfecting mechanisms, policies, and laws to improve environmental protection and reduce single-use plastic waste pollution through various sustainable production and consumption activities and building a circular economy.

Starting with policy

Like other countries in the world, primary, secondary, and quaternary recycling are widely applied in Vietnam, but the ability to control secondary pollution is still limited. Vietnam currently has many incentive policies to promote the reuse and creation of bio-based or biodegradable plastic substitutes.

For the problem of plastic waste pollution and ocean plastic waste, the Government of Vietnam has paid special attention and efforts to solve it through the fundamental renewal of policies on environmental protection. Typically, the adoption of the revised Law on Environmental Protection; in which, legalize contents related to plastic waste such as management, reuse, recycling, treatment, and development of a circular economy model of plastics.

Seas and oceans are extremely important sources of life and living space for humans and a fundamental foundation for sustainable development. With the above awareness, Vietnam has issued the National Action Plan on ocean plastic waste management for 2030; the National Program on sustainable production and consumption for 2020, the vision for 2030; implementation of the Project of Vietnam active preparation and participation in the development of a Global Agreement on Ocean Plastic Pollution. Most recently, Vietnam has joined the Global Plastic Action Partnership Program in Vietnam and has set a goal of reducing ocean plastic waste by 75% by 2030.

And in the roadmap towards the goal of imposing a ban on the circulation of plastic straws, non-biodegradable plastic bags, and food containers in Decree 08/2022/ND-CP of the Government, stipulating some articles of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 related to plastic waste management also have clear regulations, starting from January 1, 2026, Vietnam will stop producing and importing non-biodegradable plastic bags with dimensions of less than 50cm x 50cm and thickness of less than 50 µm for domestic consumption. The Decree also requires a gradual reduction in the production and import of other SUP products, until all are banned in 2031.

Green consumption, not using disposable plastic bags that are difficult to decompose will contribute to reducing plastic waste in the environment

Next, the Government of Vietnam has also issued Decree 45/2022/ND-CP on regulations on sanctioning administrative violations in the field of environment, effective from August 25, 2022. Although not yet applied sanction for the act of not sorting waste at source, the promulgation of the Decree will contribute to improving the propaganda to the people to change their behavior, lifestyle, and consumption habits.

And in June 2022, the Government of Vietnam also assigned the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to lead and coordinate with related units to develop a national plan for a circular economy. This will significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste entering the environment and turn plastic waste into valuable resources that return to serve socio-economic development.

Thu Huong

Ô nhiễm rác thải nhựa đại dương:Nước mắt của biển và hành động của chúng ta - Bài 1 (

Join hands for an ocean without plastic waste